
A Treatise on Calico Printing, Of Pitches.

A Treatise on Calico Printing, VOL. I-II
Printed for C. O'Brien, Bookseller, Islington, and fold by Bew, Paternoster-row: Richardson, Royal Exchange: Murray, Fleet-Street: And the Booksellers of Manchester, Glasgow, Dublin, &c.
In the first place it can never do any injury always to have squates cut at the corners, and oftentimes in the middle, both of ends and sides, the necessity of which the nature of the pattern will determine; but at any rate (as above said) they are needful at the corners, as they determine when you join the print by them, whether the pitch pins are on the square or not; and that you may the better join the print by the squares, let the shape of them be as fig. 69, or rather as fig. 70, to hinder the clogging of the colour in the corners, unless the situation of the work hinders their being so cut, and let them stand out as far at least as the pitch-pins; because in the, first trial of the joinings (supposing the squares are cut as they should be) the print may be joined by them, as the pins may bs then adjusted, if not put in right, or if moved by any accident.

If it were not for the conveniency of joining by the squares, instead of the shape above recom mended, it would be best to cut them as at fig. 71; but however, when they are cut at fig. 72 (for as fig. 73 they never should, though too, commonly done so, as the impression gives no certain shape) they should not be drawn on the ruled line, as the ruling will perhaps misguide the cutting of them; and if the squares are left for the purpose of ruling grounds from, they, should be drawn within the square line.

2. At the head the pitches should stand out from the work near one quarter of an inch, that the wood may not press on the cloth in pitching the head of the print, and of course appear heavier than the rest of the work.

The first pin at the head should be at least, one quarter of an inch within the square line of of the near side, for sear of the near edge running on the table; the second pin, for the convenience of the off-edge printing, should be regulated according to the width of the print, and of the cloth it is likely to work on; for if the width of the print is such, that the  edging is less than; half that width; which by the way is a bad circumstance for the face of the print (as observed, already) there is no occasion for a middle pitch, either for print or grounds; and the sewer pins for pitches is always the better; for if the first pitch should get off the near edge, the Printer, for the sake of the grounding, must get on again if he even makes a cut: as for the third or off pin, it is little matter how near the off-square it is, so it does not stand out beyond the line of the work on the off-edge, as it then would be particularly liable to accidents.

3. As the pitches of the print, from their outward situation, are in danger of being removed or otherwise injured, it should be a rule to put stout pieces of wire deep in the wood, rather slanting, and lessen the tops with a file or other instrument; and in case the print should run on the table, it would not be amiss, especially if it be a close one, to put pins at the off-edge, unless the shape of the work will answer the purpose, to fall into certain places, in order to fill up the vacancy, if there be any of consequence, at the near edge. Likewise for sear the print should come off the near edge, and of course the side pitches for the grounds be rendered useless let there be a pin at the bottom oT the ground to sall into the work, if it can be so ma naged, at the bottom of the print.

4. The first side pitch should be about half an inch down the side, the other as near the bottom as con venient, and if it can be. done, let them pitch into objects so that they be little seen, taking care however that the joining of the print does not obscure them. Side-pitches need not be out farther than just to be clear of the work; in order to prevent a light edging.

5. The pitches for the print being ascertained, put in the pitches for the grounds which work next in succession; these must be distinct from the pitches of the print, and be clear when the print is joined; one pin towards the bottom of the near side is sufficient for, the ground, taking care to place it below the side pitch of the print, that it may not hinder the printer from seeing his print pitch; this however is not necessary to be particular about when the ground pitch is placed  within the work: Endeavour likewise at all times to make one pitch or a shape do for as many grounds as you can, observing however, that a ground that works to another ground ought not to pitch to the print.

6. If the work is to be grounded after it comes off the grafs (as you can make no alteration then) be; particularly careful that the pitches for those grounds be not obscured by any means, and if you can place them where pale colour only will cover them, it will be the better, as that will partly hide them; and let them be but just large enough to be seen, which rule indeed should be carefully observed in respect to pitches in general, or if large pins are put in, the tops should be lessened.

* For if a Cutter has a pique against the Drawer, or bears ill-will to the master, or if only through wantonness he may alter the joinings, the direction of a stalk, or shape of an object, or in grounds, he may cut out of shape, or move an object out as its place (for such things have been done) and then, without some check, what can the Putter-on say in excuse, or how clear himself.7. To be more certain of having your pitch pins in their proper places, they had better be put in before prints or grounds are given to be cut (un less you have no doubt of the carefulness of the cutter, in that respect) and before your prints or some certain grounds go out, be fuse to rub off parts of the drawing on paper, making a memorandum what parts you rub them from, as they will be checks against the cutter in proving whether he has or has not deviated from the drawing, and probably prevent a deal of altercation, when the work is done; or, as a further caution,* the whole face joinings and all may be procured, by damping a stout piece of paper, laying it on the surface and gently rubbing the back, till you have a flight counterpart of the drawing; and a very flight one will be sufficient to shew the trail, or the shape and situation of flowers, and other objects.

A Putter-on, and indeed any other person, is likewise here advised for his own sake, to make minutes of what may have been matter of opinion or contention between his employer and himself, about the mode of performing any thing, when his Employer or Principal has it done his way; and have those minutes ready to produce, if, in consequence of such determination, the effect happens not to be as it fcould, or if the performance be not successsul in other respects.

As well as advising a Putter-on to be guarded against the Cutter, the writer advises the Cutter to be on his guard, and that is, to see the rubbing off performed, and that his employer keep one in his possession; or else to demand one for himself, otherwise it is possible the putter-on in his way, may do a Cutter an injury, by altering the rubbing off in some mode or other, and thus make it appear as if the Cutter had not attended to the drawing or other particulars.

The writer is of opinion, that a putter-on at shop, is not amenable in general, for what: cutting may be faulty, when brought home; nor can be with propriety be asked, if he put the whole or any part of it on, in this or that manner; for to say he did not, if the cutting be faulty, is criminating the Cutter, even if he has his checks by him; and to say he himself was in fault, every one knows is aukward enough; as in this case the putting-on should have been examined, and if faulty in any shape, rectified, ere it went out; for to let putting-on go out in such a state, implies incapability or carelessness in the Principal, or any other who may have  superintend such matters.

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