
Zinc Water-Paint.

The Living Age 1359, 18.6.1870

The unpleasantness, remarks the Scientific Review, of occupying a newly-painted house may readily be avoided by the use of zinc water-paint. Powdered oxide of zinc (which may be heated with a little potato starch, if more "body" be wanted) is combined with the desired mineral or vegetable colour, and with this an aqueous solution of chloride of zinx, to which some tartrate of potassa has been added, is then mixed; the water-paint thus formed being applied with a brush on the surface to be coated. In half an hour this paint will perfectly dry; and the object of the alkaline tartrate is to make the drying process less rapid. The advantage of using the water-paints are very numerous: they are more durable than oil paints, do not blacken by exposure to sulphurous vapours, are devoid of odour, dry quickly, resist dampness and the action of water, can be cleansed with boiling water and soap like oil paints, and preserve the wood to which they are applied from decay, and render it less combustible. This latter property may be increased of the chloride of zinc can be manufactured without danger to the health of the workmen, sold at a low price, and kept for any length of time in any climate.

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