
A New Supplement...: B. Badigeon. Battley's green senna powder. Bistre. Black... Blacking... Bleaching. Berhaave's astringent powder; red pill. Bole.

A New Supplement to the latest Pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and Paris, Forming A Complete Dispendatory, Conspectus, and Dictionary of Medical Chemistry, Giving All the Old and New Names, Including the New French and American Medicines, and Poisons; with Symptoms, Treatment, and Tests; as Well As Herbs, Drugs, Compounds, Veterinary Drugs, With the Pharmacopoia of the Vetenary College, Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varnishes, And similar articles kept in the Shops; With Their Compositions, Imitations, Adulterations, And Medicinal Uses, Being a General Book of Formulæ and Recipes For Daily Reference in the Laboratory and at the Counter.
Fourth edition, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged.
By James Rennie, M. A., Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Foreign Medicine; the Pharmacopeia Universalis; Author of a Conspectus of Prescriptions in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery; the Pharmacopeia Imperialis, &c. &c.
London: Baldwin and Cradock. 1837.
London: Thomas Curson Hansard, Paternoster Row.

BADIGEON. A preparation for colouring houses, prepared with sawdust, slaked lime, the powder of the stone with which the house is built, and a pound of alum dissolved in a bucket of water. A little ochre will give a deeper yellow colour.

BATTLEY'S GREEN SENNA POWDER, A nostrum, supposed to be senna leaves heated till they become yellow, and then mixed with powdered charcoal.

BISTRE. A composition used in painting as a fine brown colour, prepared from soot, of which that from beech wood is best. Put a quantity of this into water (2lbs to the gallon), and oil half an hour; let it then settle, and while it is still hot pour off the clearer liquor from the sediment, and evaporate to dryness.

BLACK DRAUGHT. A very popular and excellent purgative, prepared by dissolving 3ij of sulphate of magnesia in z3j of the infusion of senna; or in other similar proportions, to which a few drops of tincture of opium may be added to prevent griping.

BLACK DROP, or the Lancaster or Manchester black drop, or the Quaker's black drop. The following is the original receipt, published by Dr. Amstrong: Take lbss of opium sliced, and Oiij of good verjuice, z3jss of nutmegs, and z3ss of saffron. Boil to a proper thickness, then add lb¼ and two spoonfuls of yeast; set the whole in a warm place near the fire, for six or eight weeks, then in the open air, till it becomes a syrup, when it is to be decanted, filtered, and bottled up, with a little sugar added to each bottle. One drop equals three of the Tincture of Opium. L. Medicinally it is supposed to be less injurious than the common preparations of opium, not being followed by head-ache, &c.

BLACKING. Various receipts have been given for making shoe-blacking, among which the following are samples: Take z3ij each of treacle, and ivory black, z3iv or spermaceti oil, four pints of white wine vinegar; mix and preserve for use. Or, Take z3vj each of bone-black and treacle, z3ss of sulphuric acid and spermaceti or common oil, and one quart of common vinegar. First mix the acid and the oil, and then add the rest. If it does not dry quick enough, add more acid. See JAPAN BLACKING.

BLACKING CAKES are made by thoroughly mixing z3j of gum tragacanth, with z3ij each of neat's-fool oil, superfine ivory-black, and deep blue, prepared from iron and copper, and z3iv each of brown sugarcandy and river water. When mixed evaporate to a proper consistence.

BLACKING BALLS may be made in the same way; or melt together over a slow fire z3iv of mutton suet, z3j each of bees' wax and sweet oil, z3j each of sugar-candy and gum arabic, and add carefully, lest it take fire, a spoonful of turpentine, with lamp black enough to give it a good colour; pour the liquor when hot into tin moulds, and let it stand till cool enough to be worked into shape by the hand. See PASTE.

BLACK REVIVER. Boil Oij of water down to Oj, **z3ij of Aleppo galls, in powder, and logwood, z3j of gum arabic, then add z3j of sulphate of iron. This may be evaporated to a powder.

BLACK WASH. Rub together lbj of lime water and 3ij of chloride of mercury.

BLEACHING LIQUID. What is sold under this name is a solution of the chloride of lime, which is also kept in the market under the name of Bleaching Powder, Bleaching Salt, or Tennant's Salt. It is a deliquescent salt, of a sharp, bitter taste, soluble in alcohol. It is a chloride of lime (not of calcium) mixed with hydrate of lime. It is prepared by exposing thin layers of recently slaked lime in fine powder to an atmoshere of chlorine. Chlorate of potass prepared in a similar way is also sold under this name. The sulphuret of lime is also used in the same way, but is not so efficious. See EAU DE JAVELLE and CALX. CHLORINATA, L.

BERHAAVE'S ASTRINGENT POWDER for the ague, is prepared by mixing equal parts of alum, nutmeg, and Armenian bole.

BERHAAVE'S RED PILL, is prepared by mixing itnto a mass, with crumbs of bread, or mucilage, a portion of the bisulphuret of mercury, and dividing it into pills; or bichloride of mercury with oxysulphuret of antimony.

BOLE. A genus of earths, of which there are several species, and of which BOLUS ARMENIÆ, P. Armeniab bole, is the chief. It is astringent and desiccative, but is mostly used to colour ointments, such as the sulphur ointment. The boles are of a red or yellowish colour. Adulterated frequently with inferior materials. Boles should be chosen of a fine clear colour, particularly when they are to be used for paints, or for colouring medicinal preparations.

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